Urban Lewis Will of 1841
Wayne County, NC

NC Archives CR.103.301.8
Will of Urban Lewis
Written August 13, 1841
Probated February Court 1847 - Estate sale February 25, 1847

In the name of God Amen I Urban Lewis of the State of North Carolina & Wayne County, considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound & perfect mind & memory, do make and publish this my last will & testament in manner and form following Viz

Firstly My will & desire is that all my just debts be paid out of my perishable aforesaid estate and that my Executors sell only so much thereof as will be sufficient to pay the same and unless my wife shall be living to dispose of such articles as she my said Executor may think best for her advantage and of the other legatees interested therein.

Secondly I give & bequeath unto my son John Lewis five shillings, having already given him all I intended.

Thirdly I give & devise unto my son William Lewis all my lands of which I am seized & possessed at my death, reserving therein a life estate to my beloved wife Susan in all that part of any lands lying on that side of Lewis' Branch whereon my present dwelling house now stands, in lieu of dower. I also give and bequeath unto my son William a horse of the value of fifty dollars.

Fourthly I lend unto my beloved wife Susan during her natural life all the rest, residue & remainder of my estate of what nature soever for the better support of herself & such of my unmarried daughter as may remain with her.

Fifthly At the death of my wife Susan I give and bequeath unto my seven daughters viz Eliza Martin, Polly Martin, Fanny Denmark, Bethena Lewis, Patience Lewis, Susan Lewis & Elizabeth Lewis, all the remainder of my estate herein before loaned to my wife Susan, to be equally divided between them, they & each of them rendering an account of any advancements made to them or either of them by me in my life time, and of any monies that I may have paid as surety for their or either of their husbands which said advancements or monies so paid are to be taken in to the account in the divisions as so much paid to them or received with by them or either of others towards their respective shares.

Sixthly I hereby nominate and appoint my son John Lewis Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me made. In Witness where of I have here unto set my hand & seal the thirteenth day of August in the Year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred & forty one. Witnesses: James Griswold and Benjamin J Griswold. Recorded: Feby Term 1847

Wayne County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions - February Court 1847
Will of Urban Lewis produced in open court & offered for probate & was duly proved by the oath of Jas Griswold, a subscribing witness & ordered to be recorded - at the same time Jno Lewis Executor therein named came into court & qualified & ordered that letters testamentary issue to said Jno Lewis. Estate inventory prepared 25 Feb 1847.

Will Images

Urban Estate - 1847

Susan's Estate, 1860 - Image

Wayne County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions - November Court 1849
Settlement of the estate of Urban Lewis dec'd returned and ordered to be recorded.

Wayne County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions - February Court 1847
Will of Urban Lewis produced in open court & offered for probate & was duly proved by the oath of Jas Griswold, a subscribing witness & ordered to be recorded - at the same time Jno Lewis Executor therein named came into court & qualified & ordered that letters testamentary issue to said Jno Lewis. Estate inventory prepared 25 Feb 1847.

Wayne County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions - November Court 1849
Settlement of the estate of Urban Lewis dec'd returned and ordered to be recorded.
